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Family Tree Maker 2012 Setup Keygen

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by satomebots1972 2020. 2. 25. 18:08


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Compatibility mode for FTM 2012 in Windows 8:1. From desktop, right mouse click on FTM Icon on the taskbar2. Hover over “Family Tree Maker 2012” and right mouse click again to get Properties3. Click on Properties4. Choose Compatibility tab5.

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Under “Compatibility mode”, check box “Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP (Service Pack 3)” Side note: after utilizing “Run compatibility troubleshooter”this is the resolution I got.6. Click okay and test to see if program opens properly.Note: due to the ftm.exe not having publisher info, each time I open file, I get security prompt to allow unknown publisher to make changes to my computer. Family Tree Maker must address this issue. For what it's worth, I am a Windows 7 user and had almost exactly the same experience today when I tried to initialize FTM-2012. At first FTM wouldn't open at all. Then, I got the 'unknown publisher' message described above after running the 'troubleshooter.' Finally, after removing the latest batch of Microsoft updates (back to the last day I had successfully used FTM, July 8), I was able to open and run Family Tree Maker as usual.

Frustrating, because now I am afraid to run Microsoft updates. FTM is theoretically'guaranteed' to run on Windows 7. This issue just developed for me last week runing FTM 2012 in windows 7.If I roll back recent windows updates through a system restore, it works but only after first throwing up a box that makes me accept that it will make changes to my system, and the launch process itself is very slow.However, once windows 7 then updates itself again, the problem returns.The solution suggested on other forums of running it in XP compatability mode does not solve the problem.FTM 2012 has been frustrating from the beginning as I found it to be less intuitive than the earlier version I bought a decade earlier. I am not happy right now with either Windows or FTM, but it will be a lot easier to drop FTM and buy a competitors softwarethan to change the operating system or to continue to muck my way through getting it to run.I have rolled back the recent updates one more time, opened FTM, and saved my file as a GEDCOM after reading that files saved in the FTM format do not import cleanly and easily into other programs and in some cases not at all. I had a similar issue with Window 10 and FTM 14 and the Compatibility mode change above fixed it. The program would start to open and then Windows would say the program has encountered a problem and that's as far as it would go. The strange thing is thatit has worked fine since installing Windows 10 some months ago.So right click over the FTM icon.Select PropertiesSelect CompatibilitySelect run this program in compatibility mode and select Window 7 from the drop down.Fixed it for me.

Like others I even went to the bother of removing and re-installing FTM and it made absolutely no difference. This change however did solve the problem.